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How to Prioritize Tool Libraries in Cut Configs

Define Preferred, Standard, and Backup tool libraries to prioritize use of your cutting tools in Toolpath Cut Configs


Setting Preferred, Standard, and Backup tool libraries in a Cut Config tells Toolpath which tools to prioritize use of when generating machining plans and operations.

To prioritize use of specific tool libraries within a Cut Config:

  1. Ensure all your applicable tool libraries have been imported to Toolpath. Please see How to Upload a Tool Library for more information. 
  2. Create a new Cut Config (or edit an existing one) using the applicable tool libraries. For more information on how to create a Cut Config, please see How to Create Cut Configs.
  3. In the Cut Config you'd like to prioritize libraries in, select the applicable tool libraries. In the example below, we'll select our Core, Common, and Haas Tooling Vendor libraries by selecting their checkboxes:
    select libraries cut config
  4. Click the triangle icon the right of the tool library names to select their prioritization. You can set tool libraries as Preferred, Standard, or Backup libraries:
    lib prior options
    1. Preferred (Green Triangle) Tool Libraries will be prioritized and should be the tools you have in your machine - your most commonly used tools. 
    2. Standard (Blue Circle) Tool Libraries are tools you have around the shop, but might not be loaded in a machine or in a holder.
    3. Backup (Purple Downward Triangle) tool libraries will only be used by Toolpath if no tool in a Preferred or Standard library can access a specific part feature. These are tools you'd prefer to avoid using, but can if you must.
  5. Save the Cut Config.

With library prioritization in your Cut Config, you will now see which priority tools being used are in the Tools page in a part report through the library priority icons. This will help quickly flag when a tool needs to be assembled or ordered!

view library prioritization